1. Ynglŷn â’r canllaw hwn

Bydd y canllaw hwn yn rhoi gwybod i chi:

Bydd y canllaw hwn yn rhoi gwybod i chi:

  • Pam mae offer ar-lein yn newid y prosesau gweithgynhyrchu
  • Sut mae gweithgynhyrchwyr yn defnyddio’r dechnoleg newydd
  • Datblygiadau pwysig i’r dyfodol mewn technoleg ddigidol
  • Cyngor ar fanteisio i’r eithaf ar dechnoleg ddigidol yn y sector gweithgynhyrchu

Mae gweithgynhyrchu yn y DU yn parhau i fod yn sector anferth

Ar hyn o bryd, mae sector gweithgynhyrchu’r DU yn cyflogi 2.7 miliwn o bobl ac yn cyfrannu 44% at gyfanswm ein hallforion. Y DU yw’r wythfed gweithgynhyrchwr mwyaf yn y byd ac mae busnesau bach a chanolig yn chwarae rhan allweddol yn y sector, gan gyfrannu 57% at allbwn y DU.

A recent Government report identified the key strengths of the UK manufacturing sector as its highly skilled workforce, the shift underway in the industry from low quality to high quality goods, its increased investment in research and development, and the way the industry is improving its use of automation systems and new technologies.

Superfast Broadband is an innovation

Businesses in this sector need to be able to transfer large amounts of data quickly, often from more than one location. They also need to be able to quickly save their backup data and use the latest communication tools, such as online collaboration tools. They therefore need the high bandwidth, quality service and reliability that Superfast Broadband can provide for their operations. Superfast Broadband also enables manufacturers to take advantage of the latest advances in Cloud computing.

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2. Effaith bod yn ddigidol

The advent of Superfast Broadband and Cloud computing means that small manufacturers now have access to the latest process management software without having to spend much at all. In addition to reducing internal overhead for Information Technology (IT), modern Cloud computing means:

  • That computing resources can be easily expanded or reduced according to demand
  • That computing resources can be presented as services, rather than having to insert them within a manufacturer's business
  • That manufacturers only pay for the resources they use.

Do you want to reduce the stress of running your business? Register for our free workshop called Online Tools to Grow Your Business.

3. Y buddion i weithgynhyrchwyr

Faster to market: traditional IT systems could take a long time to implement. Cloud-based systems can be installed very quickly.

Access to more powerful applications: in the past, only the big companies could afford these. SMEs can now afford to access some of the most sophisticated applications which means the competition is fairer.

Increased agility: SMEs can respond faster to changing trends without having to invest in new IT infrastructure.

Improved innovation: Access to the latest digital technology can help support the development of new products and processes.

Improved portability and collaboration: Company staff can access data and equipment anywhere with an internet connection – even smartphones. This helps with productivity and collaboration across teams.

Endless updates: SMEs can have systems that are updated regularly, eliminating the need to purchase new software and ensure they have state-of-the-art systems.

Enhanced security: The leading Cloud computing providers have a robust security infrastructure that is continuously updated to address the latest threats.

4. Sut gallwch chi ddefnyddio systemau digidol?

Enterprise Resource Planning (CAM): Modern CAM systems are essential for manufacturers to be able to control their costs and improve how efficiently they work. The latest Cloud CAM applications help manufacturers closely coordinate sales, buying, production and listing activity. Access to the latest and most powerful CAM systems means manufacturers are better able to manage their manufacturing costs. These systems can improve Material Requirements Planning (CGD) and project planning and management as well.


Inventory management: Smaller manufacturers can now use some of the best tools to track supply levels and keep these in line with customer demand. These types of systems are essential in the competitive world of 'just-in-time' production. Sophisticated programs are available for scanning massive amounts of historical data to identify underlying trends and help predict demand.


CAD (computer-aided planning): Many modern manufacturing projects require collaboration across different teams of engineers and product specialists, often based in different locations. Introducing CAD systems into your Cloud computing system enables better collaboration and teamwork on these types of projects. There is also scope to upgrade to use a more powerful computing system in line with the scale and complexity of the project.


Mobile Technology: The integration of Cloud computing-based systems with modern mobile communications means staff can access all of their company's key data anywhere in the world. This means managers can stay in close contact with the main manufacturing site and work more closely with other team members. Inventory tracking becomes much easier and supply chain management becomes much tighter. Staff not on the premises of the holding business can help monitor actions, so that potential problems can be avoided in part of production. And the fact that it's possible for sales staff to check, update and share real-time information on the go could mean the difference between winning or losing a new business opportunity.


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems: Cloud computing-based CRM systems manage the customer experience all on one platform, providing a single information repository where all details about the customer and their contact details are recorded. For smaller manufacturers where time is limited, they can be invaluable in helping identify which customers are generating the most profit for them – as individuals or as groups – today, and in terms of their lifetime value. This allows them to devote their efforts and resources in the most profitable way, and make a better assessment of the likely impacts of new strategies or products.


Big Data in manufacturing: Superfast Broadband in combination with Cloud computing means that more manufacturers can use supercomputers to analyze Big Data and apply this knowledge to their processes. These techniques are already being used to help modify product design, refine production processes, improve quality control measures and manage risk in the food chain. For example, food chain management Big Data analytics enables US companies to predict how external weather events such as snowstorms and hurricanes could disrupt their supply chain. They are then able to calculate the likelihood of delays and arrange for the appropriate backup suppliers to be in place so that production is not disrupted.


AAR (Radio Frequency Identification) Tracking: AAR technology has been around for some time, but in the last ten years it has only been more widely used, driven largely by major retailers. As the trend of turning to e-commerce continues, with Amazon now offering same-day product delivery in large parts of the country, demand for this type of sophisticated tracking will continue to grow. Over 3 billion AAR tags are already used in the United States each year, with the largest use in clothing tagging. AAR is now used in the manufacturing process, with companies using tagging to track various components within the process. For example, car manufacturers can use AAR to track the location of returnable containers used in the production process. This can remove some of the errors caused by people carrying out audits. Some companies now have their own AAR network that displays real-time information about process flow, work in progress, raw materials and inventories fed back into their CAM and transportation systems.


More sophisticated collaboration: The power of the latest digital technology is revolutionising the way manufacturers and their suppliers collaborate on complex projects. The Cloud enables manufacturers, engineers, designers and customers to contribute to web-based projects, creating a virtual factory. This helps accelerate the rate at which new developments are introduced to market, reduces costs, and reduces the risk of design errors. And effective collaboration is particularly important for small manufacturers who often find themselves at the centre of supply chains, with a real need to communicate effectively up and down the chain, as well as with customers and other business partners.


More productive: In addition to the more efficient measures provided by better work scheduling and wider access to data, the Cloud improves productivity as part of day-to-day office tasks. The foundation of several Cloud-based systems will be an online platform such as Microsoft Office 365. This provides the essential stationery for the business such as word processor, spreadsheets and emails but also connects all the other industry-specific pieces of software. Yet, using the Cloud, these systems can be continuously updated and their capacity expanded to meet the requirements of the business, without the need to invest in new hardware.

Streamlined processes: Research from Raconteur Custom Publishing shows that the main reason manufacturing companies invest in new IT systems is to improve the efficiency of their internal processes (closely followed by accelerating innovation). Integration can really help improve processes by ensuring that your software systems and business applications all work together. For example, sales could be generated through e-commerce software, with the order details automatically entered and passed to a CRM system that supports all customer interaction activities. These details could contribute to scheduling activities, as well as being used to manage inventories and compile transportation documentation. They could also automatically compile appropriate invoices for customers, with the accounting system also monitoring when a payment is made to your bank account.


Olrhain: Mae hyn yn ofyniad sy’n dod yn fwyfwy pwysig o fewn cadwyn gyflenwi unrhyw weithgynhyrchwr, yn enwedig felly mewn diwydiannau fel y diwydiant bwyd a’r diwydiant fferyllol. Mae’n helpu i bennu problem ac yn darparu’r gallu i alw cynnyrch yn ôl yn gyflym pe bai angen. Fodd bynnag, os nad oes gan eich busnes systemau cydgysylltiedig yna gall darparu manylion olrhain a sicrhau bod y llwybrau archwilio cysylltiedig ar waith gymryd llawer o’ch amser ac achosi llawer o broblemau. Gall integreiddio’r systemau digidol a ddefnyddir ar gamau amrywiol o’r gadwyn gyflenwi fod yn amhrisiadwy wrth olrhain pryd caiff deunyddiau crai eu prynu a’u derbyn, dilyn cynnyrch drwy’r gadwyn gyflenwi wrth iddynt basio rhwng sefydliadau ac yn y pen draw olrhain dosbarthu nwyddau i gwsmeriaid. Gall systemau integredig hefyd helpu i olrhain tarddiad sypiau penodol o gynnyrch a allai fod â phroblemau yn ogystal ag ymchwilio i gwynion.


Apiau Menter: Mae dyfodiad cyfrifiadura Cwmwl wedi arwain at fwy a mwy o gwmnïau yn defnyddio apiau wedi’u dylunio i wella eu prosesau. Yn ogystal ag apiau masnachol yn cael eu creu gan y darparwyr meddalwedd blaenllaw, mae rhai gweithgynhyrchwyr yn comisiynu eu apiau penodol eu hunain wedi’u dylunio i fodloni anghenion penodol eu busnes. Dyma un o’r meysydd sy’n tyfu gyflymaf ar gyfer datblygu apiau newydd.

5. Enghraifft bywyd go-iawn: buddy®cover

A Swansea-based company selling non-invasive medical devices is planning an expansion into the veterinary sector after using digital technology to increase online sales opportunities.

Buddy®cover quality of life products – waterproof covers that can be reused for dresses on leggings – are available on an NHS prescription. But the company has also managed to put the full range online for purchase, including on Amazon and eBay.

The company, founded by managing director Joanna Winslade in 2011, relies on digital technology to deliver its expanding range of products to customers in the UK, Europe and even Australia.

Ms Winslade said: "The digital support we have received from Accelerate Wales for Business has given me the right confidence and tools to fulfil my role. It's helped my company become more professional faster."

Read the full case study here.

6. Beth fydd y sefyllfa yn y dyfodol?

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (AR): These have particularly powerful applications in production engineering. Instead of having an operator report a fault to an engineer and describe the machine, a virtual image can be created – as if the engineer is examining the machine in 'real life'. This can significantly improve the speed and accuracy of fault repairs. Similarly, VR training videos can give staff the opportunity to learn how to assemble and repair a range of equipment in the 'virtual reality world', developing skills faster and reducing training costs.

Wearable technology: The potential for staff to have wearable devices that connect to a central system via the Cloud, will have implications for several manufacturing areas. For example, wearable devices could automatically collect data from the shop floor and transfer it to the Cloud, saving time instead of having to manually input data. The CAM system can then interpret this data into actions and transfer it back to the team member's device, accelerating efficiency and productivity. It could also lead to applications for staff safety, with wearable devices that automatically warn staff of workplace hazards.

Internet of Things (ATP): This technology transforms the manufacturing process into a complex, interconnected system, where the machines can communicate directly with each other. For example, at Siemens' electronics factory in Amberg, Germany, machines and computers handle 75% of production autonomously. Parts produced communicate with the machines through a product code, which sets out their production requirements and next steps to take. The role of the employees is mainly to monitor the equipment at work and deal with any unforeseen events. Currently, this level of ATP technology belongs mainly to the big multinationals, but in time it can penetrate all parts of the manufacturing industry.

3D Printing: The application of 3D printing in manufacturing is evolving very quickly. The precision of 3D scanning and the increasing capability of 3D printing technology means that it is already being used in industries such as the aerospace industry, the automotive industry and the healthcare industry – creating items such as lightweight aircraft pieces, aerodynamic car bodies and custom prosthetic devices. Some observers believe that the advent of 3D printing will usher in a new era of wide-scale customized product creation. This could be another important opportunity for the future for smaller, niche manufacturers.

7. Awgrymiadau da ar gyfer defnyddio technoleg ddigidol

  1. Make sure it aligns with your business strategy: any technology you adopt should suit the rest of your business.
  2. Develop your plan: produce a digital strategy for your business detailing how the new technology will impact different parts of your business, the specific requirements it must meet, and the improvements you expect to achieve.
  3. Get your staff involved: seek input and feedback from your teams to come up with the plan and make sure they are trained and ready for the change.
  4. Assess all costs: make sure the costs match your specific needs and that you know how increased use could affect your costs.
  5. Start small scale and expand: don't be too specific in determining your needs and don't overcomplicate so your teams can't cope. Start at an easy-to-manage level and expand as your team's skills and capabilities improve.
  6. Talk to resellers: ask what they can offer you. Resellers, system integrators and business partners can be valuable in helping you set up the technology and organise the training you need.
  7. Consider Cloud brokers: some resellers can offer a useful service by acting as brokers and bringing together the Cloud services you need from multiple providers.
  8. Distance matters: Sometimes, very distant internet connections can delay systems response times, so check if a supplier has hosted systems in the UK, or at least in Europe. Also, make sure they comply with the GDPR Regulation if you are processing personal data.
  9. Data Portability: Make sure you can take all your data with you should you decide to switch suppliers. This is especially important if your data contains proprietary designs or other valuable intellectual property.
  10. Test the service: Evaluate in detail how well it performs, including over different types of connections such as PC versus smartphone. Check how good the service is when more than one user is connected. Get feedback from other users of the service and ask them about their experience.