
Are you paying your employees the National Minimum Wage?

The UK Government has published new guidance to ensure employers know exactly what they need to do to pay their apprentices, and all workers, correctly.

Every single UK worker is entitled to the National Minimum Wage, no matter their age or profession.

Whilst not all minimum wage underpayments are intentional, it has always been the responsibility of all employers to abide by the law.

Minimum wage breaches can occur when workers are being paid on or just above the minimum wage rate, and then have deductions from their pay for uniform or accommodation.

Employers who pay workers less than the minimum wage have to pay back arrears of wages to the worker at current minimum wage rates. They also face hefty financial penalties of up to 200% of arrears – capped at £20,000 per worker – which are paid to the UK Government.  

Clear guidance is available on GOV.UK, which all employers should check.

As well as advice for employers, HMRC offers advice for all workers on how to ensure they are being paid correctly via the Check your pay website.

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