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Draft Code of Practice on dismissal and re-engagement

Through a planned statutory code of practice, the UK Government is protecting employees and cracking down on employers that use controversial dismissal tactics.

The code, subject to a consultation first, will make it explicitly clear to employers that they must not use threats of dismissal to pressurise employees into accepting new terms, and that they should have honest and open-minded discussions with their employees and representatives.

‘Fire and rehire’ refers to when an employer fires an employee and offers them a new contract on new, often less-favourable terms. 

This new statutory code of practice will set out employers’ responsibilities when seeking to change contractual terms and conditions of employment, including that businesses must consult with employees in a fair and transparent way when proposing changes to their employment terms.

For further information please select the following link Government cracks down on ‘fire and rehire’ practices - GOV.UK (

The UK Government are seeking views on a draft statutory Code of Practice that sets out employers’ responsibilities when seeking to change employment terms and conditions.

This consultation closes at 11:45pm on 18 April 2023.

For further information please select the following link Draft Code of Practice on dismissal and re-engagement - GOV.UK (

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