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Regulating chemicals after the UK transition period: virtual events

Join the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) for two free webinars to help you prepare your business for the end of the UK Transition.

The first event will be online Wednesday 16 December 2020 followed by the second event, Wednesday 20 January 2021.

Both events will open from 10am to ensure attendees have sufficient time to join the platform and will start at 10:15am and finish by 1.00pm.

The webinars will include:

  • sessions led by HSE on the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR), Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) and Prior Informed Consent (PIC) regimes
  • sessions led by HSE and Defra on Plant Protection Products (PPP) and Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals (REACH)

The events will be centred around business readiness, ensuring attendees are informed of the duties and obligations they need to comply with to access the GB market after the transition period ends and how these obligations can be fulfilled.

For further information please visit DEFRA website.

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Lines are open 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday.

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