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EU Transition Updated Guidance

Using personal data in your business after the transition period: Personal data is any information that can be used to identify a living person, including names, delivery details, IP addresses, or HR data such as payroll details. Most organisations use personal data in their daily operations. Updated information on the action you need to take regarding data protection and data flows with the EU/EEA after the end of the transition period is available here.

Trade remedies transition policy – Steel: Information on steel safeguard measures has been updated.

Protecting food and drink names from 1 January 2021: Information about the new UK  geographical indication (GI) logos and when you should use them, how to secure protection for new products, and cross-border GIs has been updated.

Export composite food products to the EU from 1 January 2021: Guidance on exports of composite products containing honey, gelatine or snails has been updated.

Importing fish for human consumption: Find out here how to import fish for human consumption from 1 January 2021, the documents you may need and customs rules to follow.

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