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ONLY is not an excuse, there is no excuse

Have you ever seen or heard something out of order happen at work? Have you ever heard a work colleague or friend make a dodgy comment but not sure how to call it out?

A new campaign calling on the public to challenge assumptions about harassment against women - often wrongly seen as ‘harmless’ - has launched across Wales.

The Welsh Government wants to help raise awareness amongst Wales’ different communities of the behaviours associated with different types of harassment and how they make the recipient feel.

They are calling on bystanders - particularly men - to call out inappropriate behaviour when and where safe to do so.

This includes empowering men to call out abusive and sexist behaviour among their male friends and colleagues in a safe way - promoting a culture of equality and respect. 

Call out only’ aims to highlight how downplayed actions like “I ‘only’ wolf-whistled at her.”

Calling out others on their behaviour is not about humiliating or shaming them, or getting into a fight. It’s about educating and encouraging a change in attitudes.

We should only call out disrespectful/harmful behaviours and attitudes in a way that is safe for everyone involved.

For further information visit Gov.Wales

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