
£13 million for trade unions to deliver learning support and upskill workers

More than £13 million will support trade unions deliver skills solutions and learning support to workers over the next three years, Economy Minister Vaughan Gething announced today.

The Wales Union Learning Fund (WULF) programme and the Wales TUC trade union education programme support trade unions in Wales to develop the essential skills and employability of the workforce, with a particular emphasis on removing barriers for traditional non-learners.

The next stage of the programme will build on the flexibility and innovation of the programme during the pandemic, when it focused on helping workers who experienced redeployment into different roles, furlough, and job losses.

The new phase of the WULF programme will see 18 unions receive funding to provide a range of activities to upskill individuals in the workplace and progress their career aspirations.

For further information visit £13 million for trade unions to deliver learning support and upskill workers | GOV.WALES

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