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Scheme aims to help more than 10,500 people into work

A new scheme which aims to support over 10,500 people who are in recovery from substance or alcohol misuse, or have mental ill-health, to get into education, training or work has been launched by the Welsh Government.

The programme, the only Wales-wide service of its kind, helps participants develop their confidence by participating in activities and supports them to access training, qualifications and work experience or volunteering. 

Participants are supported by peer mentors, who draw on their own experiences to help others. Peer mentors work with the participants on activities to help overcome barriers to education, training or employment.

Participants will receive support in areas such as developing interpersonal skills, budgeting, accessing housing, medical care and accessing financial support.

The programme is open to people between 16 and 24 who are not in education, employment or training, and adults aged 25 or over who are long-term unemployed or economically inactive. 

For further information please select the following links:

Business Wales Helpline

03000 6 03000

Lines are open 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday.

Rydym yn croesawu galwadau'n Gymraeg.