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Shortage Occupation List review: call for evidence 2023

The Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) advises the UK government (UKG) on migration issues.

The MAC provides independent and evidence-based advice to the UKG and devolved governments.

The Shortage Occupation List (SOL) is a list of skilled worker jobs that the UK government deem to be in short supply. For jobs on the SOL, the immigration rules for work visas are relaxed, making it easier for overseas workers with the relevant skills to come to the UK.

The MAC wants to know the views of organisations on the roles that are being filled by migrant workers. It needs organisations to provide evidence for jobs they think should be added to the SOL.

The MAC will only consider occupations for inclusion on the SOL where evidence is provided. All evidence should be backed up by independent research, statistics or reference to external sources. (All sources should be cited and verified).

No jobs will remain on the SOL indefinitely.

If there are specific jobs that you want on the SOL:

  • you must submit evidence for the need for inclusion, and
  • it must meet the MAC’s indicators of labour market conditions/ appropriateness for using migrant workers.

You can find further information on the Call for Evidence in the guidance document below:

Guidance for the Call for Evidence on GOV.WALES.

The closing date for the Call for Evidence is 26 May 2023.

The Welsh Government will be submitting a response. We recommend that all organisations that currently rely on migrant workers provide evidence by completing the Call for Evidence questionnaire.

MAC call for evidence questionnaire on GOV.UK

Business Wales Helpline

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Lines are open 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday.

Rydym yn croesawu galwadau'n Gymraeg.