
Wales moves to alert level zero

First Minister Mark Drakeford will urge everyone to continue to help prevent the spread of coronavirus as he confirms Wales will move to the new alert level zero at 6am on 7 August 2021, following the latest review of the coronavirus regulations in Wales. 

At alert level zero:

  • There will be no legal limits on the number of people who can meet, including in private homes, public places or at events.
  • Businesses which were required to be closed will be able to re-open. This includes nightclubs.
  • Premises which are open to the public and workplaces will have more flexibility about which reasonable measures they take to minimise the risk of coronavirus. But these should be tailored to their risk assessment and their specific circumstances.
  • Face coverings will not be a legal requirement in hospitality settings where food and drink is served, but will continue to be required in most indoor public places.

Also on 7 August 2021 (from 00.01), adults who are fully vaccinated and children and young people under 18, will no longer need to isolate if they are identified as close contacts of someone who has coronavirus.


For further information visit Gov.Wales.

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