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Welsh Food and Farming Week 2024

Farmers and sheep

Welsh Food and Farming Week takes place from 17 June 2024 and is organised by the NFU Cymru.

The week-long campaign of activities, taking place throughout Wales, will promote all that’s great about Welsh food and agriculture.

Welsh farmers are encouraged to take to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to highlight the importance of Welsh farming to Wales and its communities, using the hashtags #WelshFarmingWeek and #WythnosFfermioCymreig and tag NFU Cymru in their posts.

For further information please select the following link: New NFU Cymru campaign seeks public support to Secure the Future of Welsh Food – NFU Cymru (

Farming Connect - helping you drive your business forward.

Our enhanced programme is providing support which is transforming the business prospects of thousands of farmers and foresters. Many services are fully funded, others are subsidised by up to 80%.

For further information please select the following link: Farming Connect - helping you drive your business forward | Farming Connect (

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Lines are open 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday.

Rydym yn croesawu galwadau'n Gymraeg.