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Mudiad Meithrin

Merger of two cylchoedd meithrin to create a one stop shop of Education and Childcare for parents.

Two cylchoedd meithrin were operating not too far from each other, but neither on the school ground of the local Welsh Medium Primary School. This meant that parents had to take their children to school and then their younger children to the Cylch Meithrin. Wrap around care was provided by another independent service and parents were confused as to which services were available in the area to different age groups.

In addition to this neither building was in good condition. There was no WOW Factor when parents came to visit, although the quality of the service on offer was high. Over the past couple of years, less children used the services and therefore sustainability became an issue.

Mudiad Meithrin worked with the two management committees and entered discussions with the Local Authority to raise these issues and were able to ensure that a bid for a capital grant was accepted for a new building for a Cylch Meithrin in 2022. In the meantime, the local Welsh medium primary school had a small cabin that had recently become vacant. We decided as the cylchoedd were finding it difficult to operate safely within their existing premises to bring forward the merger of the two settings so that they could operate on the school grounds as one Cylch Meithrin from September 2020 onwards.

Mudiad Meithrin held meetings with both management committees and the merger was agreed - to operate on the school ground under a new entity (new name as a new charity.) Mudiad Meithrin assisted the committees with the whole process of registering as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, dissolving existing charities and transferring charitable assets, TUPE of staff over to the new organisation, and assistance with completing a new registration with CIW.  Mudiad Meithrin also provided financial business support including financial projections, business plans, and ensuring that the management committee understood their breakeven points to ensure sustainability. This support was received through one-to-one sessions, online financial and HR surgeries and the committee was provided with resources through Mudiad Meithrin’s intranet and training through Mudiad Meithrin’s Academi.

Mudiad Meithrin ensured that the Local Authority’s Education and Flying Start departments were aware of the whole process and ensured that there would not be any loss of service. 

The Cylch Meithrin is now full, with larger numbers than which were on both previous Cylchoedd’s registers. They are now eagerly awaiting the new building, to ensure that more children can attend.

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Rydym yn croesawu galwadau'n Gymraeg.