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Trading with the EU and Northern Ireland – new guidance

SME Toolkit Trading with the EU and Northern Ireland: A new summary of actions SMEs may need to take to trade with the EU is now available. The document provides an overview of actions to take, outlines support, helplines and resources that may be useful for SMEs, and signposts more detailed guidance on Government websites. 

Moving goods to Ireland: Irish Customs have introduced some additional functionality for those using the Pre-Boarding Notifications service - providing text and email updates for channel routings for loads

Moving goods to Northern Ireland from Great Britain: Actions for businesses in GB

Movement Assistance Scheme (MAS) expanded to support organic produce: Traders moving organic products to Northern Ireland are now eligible for support following the expansion of a scheme designed to ease the flow of agri-food goods from Great Britain. For more information about this announcement visit GOV.UK, and for more information on the new scheme, visit GOV.UK.  

Webinars for EU audiences: Recordings from recent webinars for EU audiences (including details on using Short Straits routs, routes into Belgium and the Netherlands) can be viewed on GOV.UK.

  • Moving Goods Between Great Britain and France' took place on 12 February. Visit GOV.UK to watch the recording. 
  • Moving Goods Between Great Britain and Ireland' took place on 26 February. Visit YouTube to watch the recording. 

Webinars for importers of food and drink products from the EU to Great Britain: Register for webinars and watch recordings for webinars about changes to importing food and drink, including composite food and fishery products from the EU to GB from 1 April 2021. For more information visit GOV.UK.

Help and support for UK transition: Get help on UK transition with online webinars from HMRC. A YouTube video on trader responsibilities when using an intermediary has been added. To view this visit GOV.UK. 

For further information on how to prepare your business for the new rules between the UK and the EU, please visit the Business Wales EU Transition Portal.

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