
Business Wales Barriers Grant

The Welsh Government’s Covid-19 commitment, put in place a programme of employment and skills support to help people back to work.

Part of this programme includes additional support for individuals considering self-employment. In addition to the existing start-up service, a grant to support unemployed individuals that face greater economic barriers to starting a business is being made available. This discretionary grant will help up to 600 individuals become self-employed or start a business, between December 2020 and March 2021.

The grant will be open to all unemployed individuals, however priority in allocating funding will be given to those most affected by the Covid-19 outbreak:

  • Women
  • Disabled people
  • People from BAME backgrounds
  • Young people not in education or training (NEETS) aged 18-24 or a College and University leaver in 2019 or 2020

Individuals will be able to apply for up to £2,000 to contribute towards the essential costs of starting a business.

The grant will be managed through the Business Wales service.

The fund will open for applications on 1 December 2020.

For further information please visit the Business Wales Barriers Grant pages.

Business Wales Helpline

03000 6 03000

Lines are open 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday.

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