Each year Fairtrade Fortnight gives people across the UK the opportunity to celebrate Fairtrade achievements and learn more about the difference that Fairtrade makes.
This year’s campaign takes place from 21 February to 6 March 2022 and the theme is Choose the World you Want
Ways to get involved:
- reach out to other local groups and businesses to share the Fairtrade message
- there are also social media resources including posts and banners for your facebook, twitter and instagram that you can use to spread the word online and add more voices
- read the stories of farmers affected by climate change
- find out more about why choosing Fairtrade means choosing to fight climate change using the following link: https://www.fairtrade.org.uk/get-involved/current-campaigns/fairtrade-and-climate-justice/
For further information visit Fairtrade Fortnight - Fairtrade Foundation