
Global Tourism Resilience Day 2025

Person looking at a map of the world, planing to travel

On 17 February, the world celebrates Global Tourism Resilience Day, designated by the United Nations General Assembly.

For many developing countries, including the least developed countries, small island developing states, countries in Africa and middle-income countries, tourism is a major source of income, foreign currency earnings, tax revenue and employment. Because tourism connects people with nature, sustainable tourism has the unique ability to spur environmental responsibility and conservation.

Sustainable tourism, including ecotourism, is a cross-cutting activity that can contribute to the three dimensions of sustainable development and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals by fostering economic growth, alleviating poverty, creating full and productive employment and decent work for all.

It can also play a role in accelerating the change to more sustainable consumption and production patterns and promoting the sustainable use of oceans, seas and marine resources, promoting local culture, improving the quality of life and the economic empowerment of women and young people, indigenous peoples and local communities and promoting rural development and better living conditions for rural populations, including small-holder and family farmers.

This day emphasises the essential role of resilient tourism in facing and overcoming various global challenges. It highlights the importance of preparing the tourism sector to effectively respond to crises, reflecting the sector's vulnerability to emergencies such as environmental disasters, economic fluctuations, and health crises.

For further information please select the following link: Global Tourism Resilience Day | United Nations

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