
Updated industry guidance issued for food allergen information in the out-of-home sector

fish, milk, nuts, wheat, citrus fruits - food allergy concept

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has issued best practice industry guidance on providing allergen information to consumers with food hypersensitivities, encouraging information on food allergens to be available in writing in the out of home sector, for example restaurants, cafes, delis, market stalls and takeaways.

The guidance aims to support food businesses when providing information on the 14 food allergens to their customers, whilst helping to keep consumers safe. It applies to food businesses providing non-prepacked or ‘loose’ food in person or via online sales.  

The updated guidance includes:  

  • written allergen information should always be available for non-prepacked food alongside a conversation between servers and customers about their allergen requirements  
  • examples of how to provide written allergen information  
  • free tools to support businesses with implementation, such as allergy icons, an allergen matrix and a new allergy poster which food businesses can download and use on their own assets (e.g. menus and websites)  

This updated guidance applies to businesses operating in Wales, Northern Ireland and England.  

For further information please select the following link: Updated industry guidance issued for food allergen information in the out-of-home sector | Food Standards Agency

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