Non-domestic rates stakeholder update: June 2023

This stakeholder update brings together the latest information provided by the Welsh Government on the Non-Domestic Rates (NDR) system in Wales. 

Latest updates

NDR reform

On 2 May 2023, the Minister for Finance and Local Government made a statement in the Senedd, providing an update on the Welsh Government’s plans and progress with the reform of local taxes in Wales. In relation to NDR, a range of initial reforms coinciding with the revaluation were implemented on 1 April 2023, as set out in the previous update (March 2023). We continue to develop proposals to bring about the wider reforms set out in our recent consultation. These proposals include more frequent revaluations and measures required to deliver them, as well as wider improvements to enable the Welsh Government to better adapt the NDR system to meet the needs of Wales.

The UK Government’s Non-Domestic Rating Bill

On 5 April 2023, we announced that the UK Government’s Non-Domestic Rating Bill is being used to bring about certain reforms for Wales at the earliest possible opportunity. The provisions extended to Wales include powers to establish new relief schemes, which are the subject of current consultations (see below). We have also sought provisions to enable information sharing between the Valuation Office Agency and ratepayers on the same basis across Wales and England, to improve transparency and understanding of the NDR system. In addition, provisions to facilitate the exchange of information between HMRC, ratepayers and billing authorities have been extended to Wales to ensure that we are able to benefit from our shared aims for the Digitalising Business Rates programme.

Statistical bulletin on NDR in Wales

We have published the first of what will be an annual statistical bulletin on NDR in Wales. The statistical bulletin includes data on the amount of NDR collected and reliefs provided, up to and including the 2021-22 financial year. We welcome any feedback from stakeholders.

NDR consultations

All consultations apply to Wales only.

Non-domestic rates improvement relief – open

A consultation on proposals for an improvement relief is open for twelve weeks, from 16 May to 8 August 2023.

Non-domestic rates support for renewable energy – open 

A consultation on proposed measures to support renewable energy is open for twelve weeks, from 23 May to 15 August 2023.

Further information

We welcome feedback on this stakeholder update. Any comments or enquiries should be directed to:

The next update is planned for autumn 2023 (provisional).

Useful links:
Welsh Government 
Business Wales
Valuation Office Agency
Valuation Tribunal for Wales
Welsh Local Government Association
Senedd Cymru

Business Wales Helpline

03000 6 03000

Lines are open 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday.

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