Old Privacy Statement

Business Wales – Privacy Statement

Not the correct Privacy Notice? Look for the correct one on the Business Wales Privacy Notice Index

The following Privacy Statement covers information collected to access Business Wales, business support, grant giving schemes, and European Funded activities.  

The Welsh Government is data controller for any information that you provide. All information will be handled in line with the Data Protection Act 1998.

The information collected may be shared with third parties including the Welsh European Funding Office and used in the following ways.

  • to fulfil the reporting requirements of the European Commission for European Regional Development Funded projects
  • to monitor and report on the number of individuals and enterprises taking part in projects and the number of people from different groups being supported (e.g. different ages, genders and ethnicities)
  • by approved social research organisations, to carry out research, analysis or equal opportunities monitoring
  • for audit and verification purposes 
  • to link your data from this form to other data sources for the purpose of evaluating the impact of the project has had on the individuals and enterprises who took part

1. Business Information

Information about your business will be collected and retained to help Welsh Government consider the best ways it can provide appropriate business support and guidance to you and your business.

Welsh Government will safeguard all Business Data and protect commercially sensitive information with strong information assurance procedures at every stage the information is processed.  Your information will be stored on a system which has a regular IT health check to test its security.  Contractors who deal with your information on behalf of Welsh Government are required to be Cyber Essential Accredited or adhere to ISO 27001. They are contractually required to follow strong information security procedures as Welsh Government staff are.

Business data will also be used to carry out funding, planning and monitoring decisions as well as evaluating our services.

Business Information could be used by Welsh Government and third parties acting on its behalf to undertake business support focused research.

Welsh Government will never pass on your information to another organisation for them to market directly to you or your organisation.

2. Personal Information

In the course of supporting you as a business Welsh Government needs to collect and handle a small amount of personal information to provide services to you. This could include basic contact details or more sensitive information such as salary and pay roll information as evidence of job creation.

Personal information collected will be used: 

  • to contact you regarding the support provided to you 
  • for assessment and monitoring of Grant applications and subsequent implementation

We may contact you to request your permission to use your personal and business details and an overview of the support provided to you for Welsh Government approved marketing activities.

Your Rights

The Data Protection Act 1998 gives individuals certain rights in respect of the personal data held on them. Whilst not intending to be exhaustive, examples of these rights include:

  • the right to ask for and receive copies of the personal data the Welsh Government holds about you (you may have to pay a small fee for this), although some information can sometimes be legitimately withheld 
  • the right, in some circumstances, to prevent the processing of personal data if doing so will cause damage or distress
  • the right to ask for wrong information to be put right

You also have the right to ask the Information Commissioner, who enforces and oversees the Data Protection Act 1998, to assess whether or not the processing of your personal data is likely to comply with the provisions of the Act.

For further information about the personal data collected and its use and if you have any concerns about the accuracy of personal data or wish to exercise any of your rights under the Data Protection Act 1998, you should contact:

Business Wales
Sarn Mynach 
Llandudno Junction 
LL31 9RZ

Tel: 03000 6 03000

The Welsh Government’s Data Protection Officer can be contacted at Welsh Government, Cathays Park, Cardiff, CF10 3NQ. Email: DataProtectionOfficer@gov.wales.

The Information Commissioners Office can be contacted on 01625 545745.

The Freedom of Information Act and Your Information

The Welsh Government is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI) and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR). This means that some information held on you is potentially disclosable if it is captured  within the scope of an FOI request. Should any information you have supplied to us be caught by such a request Welsh Government would normally consult you and seek your views on what harm, if any, would arise from the release of the information into the public domain.

Business Wales Helpline

03000 6 03000

Lines are open 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday.

Rydym yn croesawu galwadau'n Gymraeg.