Employment and Enterprise Bureaus
In Further Education Colleges in Wales

Employment and Enterprise Bureaus help employers to connect with students and develop their future workforce.
The Employment and Enterprise Bureaus provide a package of opportunities for students, full and part-time, to build essential employability and enterprise skills. The Bureaus are part of the Welsh Government’s Young Person’s Guarantee – a commitment to provide everyone under the age of 25 and living in Wales with support to gain a place in education or training and help to get into work or become self-employed.
The Bureaus, operating in Further Education College in Wales, are inviting employers to engage with them to meet students and discuss employment opportunities they may have within their organisations.
Each Bureau offers tailored support to students within their college but is open to nurturing ongoing opportunities with employers in their region.
If you are looking to recruit new talent within your organisation, then the Bureaus can help you.
Contact the Employment and Enterprise Bureau at your local college:
Bureau: Cyfleoedd
Lead contact: Candice Thomas
Email address: hello@bridgend.ac.uk
Bureau: Aspire Employability Service
Lead contact: Rebecca Lewis
Email address: RLewis@cavc.ac.uk
Bureau: Job Shop (& Enterprise)
Lead contact: Vicky Barwis
Email address: Jobshop@cambria.ac.uk
Bureau: Coleg Gwent - CG Ambitions
Lead contact: Abigail Bassie
Email address: abigail.bassie@coleggwent.ac.uk
Bureau: Be Ambitious
Lead contact: Christy Anson-Harries (Interim)
Email address: Christy.anson-harries@colegsirgar.ac.uk
Bureau: Futures @ Cymoedd
Lead contact: Libby Morgan
Email address: Libby.morgan@cymoedd.ac.uk
Bureau: Gower College Swansea Futures Hub
Lead contact: Louise Dempster
Email address: Louise.Dempster@gcs.ac.uk
Bureau: CAMVA (Cyflogadwyedd a Menter Vocational Agency)
Lead contact: Gerallt Jones (Interim)
Email address: camva@gllm.ac.uk
Bureau: Pembrokeshire College Employment and Enterprise Bureau
Lead contact: Charlie Royal
Email address: recruit@pembrokeshire.ac.uk
Bureau: The Launchpad
Lead contact: Olivia McLaren (Destinations and Vocations Manager) | Sarah Reypert (Employability Officer)
Email address: Destinations@stdavidscollege.ac.uk
Bureau: Future Pathways Employability and Enterprise Hub
Lead contact: Christine Bissex-Foster
Email address: c.bissex@merthyr.ac.uk
Bureau: Career Ready
Lead contact: Cara Mead
Email address: Careerready@nptcgroup.ac.uk