Apprenticeships delivery in Wales

Apprenticeship delivery in Wales

The Apprenticeships Skills Policy Plan sets out the Welsh Government's vision for addressing the needs of Welsh businesses and the wider economy. It has been designed to increase skills levels in priority areas, including where shortages have been reported.

Our commitment

Developed in consultation with businesses, the policy and its five year action plan sets out how we will support the delivery of our manifesto and Taking Wales Forward.

We will do this by focusing on four priority areas:

  • Increasing the number of apprentices aged 16-19 by increasing the take-up of quality apprenticeships amongst school leavers
  • Addressing skills shortages by developing apprenticeships particularly in growth and emerging sectors such as the ICT, Engineering, Construction and Financial and Professional Services
  • Developing higher level skills by focusing on apprenticeships at level 4 and above where returns tend to be higher
  • Developing skills pathways by integrating apprenticeships into the wider education system and making it easier for someone to enter into an apprenticeship from another learning route.

The Apprenticeship Levy

The Apprenticeship Levy is a UK-wide employment tax introduced by the UK Government that came into force on 6 April 2017. The Levy applies to all UK employers, and employers with an annual ‘pay bill’ of £3 million or more will have to pay the Levy.

The levy is collected across the whole of the UK by HM Revenue and Customs through the PAYE system.

Business Wales Helpline

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Lines are open 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday.

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