Flexible working defines any type of working pattern or arrangement that is different to standard or existing contractual hours. This type of working could allow an employee to alter the length, location or hours that they work. This could then allow them the freedom to work around care arrangements, from home or outside of the office, or job-share with colleagues.


However, flexible working doesn’t just consider the employee’s needs.


According to Vodafone’s “Flexible: friend or foe?” global survey:


75 per cent of companies worldwide have now introduced flexible working policies and noted a substantial growth in performance


Including increased company profits (61 percent), improved productivity (83 percent) and positive impact on the organisation’s reputation (58 percent).


Instead of restricting business activities to standard working hours and focusing on location, flexible working allows you to be driven by the actual achievements and outputs of staff.


Starting to think that flexible working could benefit your business?


Here are three key ways that your business can take advantage of the easy-to-adopt digital technology available to implement a flexible working policy.


The cloud


Instead of focusing on expensive in-house infrastructure, businesses are now adopting the cloud to buy applications and systems as services. The cloud is becoming a core component for businesses offering flexible working opportunities as the platform can allow employees to access to documents, data storage, and collaboration tools from wherever they may be based, at any time of day. The cloud therefore provides a simple and centralised way for mobile and flexible workers to access any information they may need without actually needing access to physical hardware.  


Video conferencing


The cloud also offers employees access to other low-cost services that can support flexible working, such as video conferencing. Video conferencing ensures that mobile members of the company can communicate effectively with the rest of the team and remain engaged with the business on a regular basis. These collaboration tools can also save money and help to develop better relationships with customers and clients as your staff can hold virtual meetings outside of traditional working hours, and without the time and costs associated with travelling.




Whether you decide to make the most of a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy or choose to implement a business mobile device policy for all eligible employees, flexibility with devices can greatly complement alternative working patterns. By having access to mobile devices, your staff can be self-sufficient, work from a remote location or even on the go with little hassle. However, it is important to note that there can be risks associated with having numerous and unmonitored devices so it is important to consider implementing security measures for such devices.


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