
For businesses in the UK, the true cost of waste can be up to 4 per cent of a business’ turnover.

However, resource efficiency initiatives have shown that by implementing materials reduction measures as part of a wider resource efficiency programme, this figure can often be reduced significantly.

Businesses generate waste at all levels of activity but this is often only considered as requiring action at the point of disposal, however knowing how and where waste is generated across your business is the first step to understanding how waste can be avoided, minimised and ultimately disposed of in the most sustainable and resource efficient way.

The guidance, fact sheets and case studies provided here will help you to identify and map the waste produced in your business and establish the true costs. Reducing, reusing and recycling as much as possible will lead to cost savings across your business and minimise your impact on the environment.


  1. Reduce waste and save money
  2. Working with your waste contractor
  3. Setting up a workplace recycling scheme


  1. Reducing waste
  2. Managing waste
  3. Segregating waste

Click here to view all case studies.

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