What is Resource Efficiency?

Cut Your Energy, Water and Waste Disposal Costs. Your business could cut costs by using less energy and water, consuming fewer raw materials and reducing waste.

We can all act more responsibly to use the resources we have more wisely. Organisations across Wales have the potential to save millions a year by using resources such as water, energy and raw materials more efficiently. In many cases, much of this money could be saved quickly and simply with little or no cost.

Resource efficiency covers all aspects of energy, waste and water efficiency measures. At face value, using your raw materials wisely just seems like common sense. It is – but with support and increased knowledge, you could adopt an approach to safeguard these resources that may well save you money and enable you to invest in growing your business.

Resource efficiency is now more important than ever in order for Wales to drive towards a low carbon, low waste sustainable economy. By using the Earth’s limited resources so that they are not damaged or depleted for future generations, we can reduce our impact on the environment. Being more resource efficient allows us to create more, but use less.

Using fewer raw materials can reduce the risk of material scarcity, drive innovation and resilience, and may help your business reach new markets. It could also;

  • reduce your overheads and increase your profitability;
  • help you to comply with health, safety and environmental legislation; 
  • enhance your image with your customers, your employees and the local community; and
  • improve your workplace and the local environment.

The Green Growth Pledge helps Welsh businesses take pro-active steps towards improving their sustainability, demonstrating their positive impact on the people and places around them, as well as joining a growing community of forward-thinking organisations who are helping Wales transition to a low carbon future.

The resources provided here can help your journey toward creating a resource efficient and resilient business. Further  information on Resource Efficiency for SMEs can be found on the Carbon Trust  Energy Savings Trust and WRAP websites. Or, give us a call so that we can link you up with one of our Business Wales Resource Efficiency Advisers.

Contact us today
Call: 03000 6 03000 or email us.

Rydym yn croesawu galwadau yn Gymraeg / We welcome calls in Welsh.

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03000 6 03000

Lines are open 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday.

Rydym yn croesawu galwadau'n Gymraeg.