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The Historic Buildings Capital Grant Programme is a new Cadw funded grant focusing on the repair of listed buildings at risk or in a vulnerable condition; to safeguard their significance, enhance condition, support beneficial use and ensure their long-term maintenance. The Historic Building Capital Grant Programme can fund 50% of eligible works (up to a maximum of £250,000) and aims to invest essential capital in heritage at risk to help owners and custodians to safeguard...
Work can – and should – be a reliable route out of poverty. But with one in eight UK workers living in poverty, and the cost of living rising, a percentage of your workforce could be struggling to cope. Poverty affects people differently, and it’s not always easy for employers to spot. The Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development (CIPD) have teamed up with the Joseph Rowntree Foundation to raise awareness of in-work poverty and...
This year, Fuel Poverty Awareness Day takes place on Friday 2 December 2022. National Energy Action (NEA) offers direct support for those living in fuel poverty and will be sharing a range of resources on Fuel Poverty Awareness Day #FuelPovertyAwarenessDay. NEA have also translated their advice documents into different languages to ensure more people can access this information. The advice documents include: Top 10 energy saving tips Help with your energy costs Your Home Energy...
A new Welsh Government grant scheme to support energy efficiency improvements and decarbonisation across Residential Social Care providers, which will help the sector deal with the cost of energy crisis, has been launched and is now open for applications, Ministers announced today (23 November 2022). The £1.4 million scheme is part of Welsh Government’s Backing Local Firms Fund, which has been established to support businesses in parts of our local everyday economy, also known as...
On 20 October 2022 a new draft ‘Strategy for Public Engagement & Action on Climate Change’ was published for consultation. The consultation is seeking views from Team Wales partners and the general public on how we can work together to encourage and support individuals, households and communities across Wales to play their part in tackling climate change. Key to people’s motivation to act on climate change is the importance of others leading by example, in...
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is reminding Self Assessment customers that they must declare COVID-19 payments in their tax return for the 2021 to 2022 tax year. These grants are taxable and should be declared on tax returns for the 2021 to 2022 tax year before the deadline on 31 January 2023. The Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) application and payment windows during the 2021 to 2022 tax year were: SEISS 4: 22 April 2021...
Exporting can transform your business. Whether you’re new to trading overseas or an established exporter, there are a range of tools and services to support you wherever you are on your export journey. The Export Hub: a free online resource covering all aspects of exporting. In the Hub you’ll find a wealth of information to help you explore overseas markets, find new clients, ensure market compliance, clarify import duties and more. In addition, you will...
UK Export Finance has launched a new product to help support SMEs through challenging market conditions. The new Bills and Notes product is now open to guarantee payments by overseas buyers. The product will be available to more financial institutions with a simpler, more streamlined process. Bills and Notes are a standard method of payment where money is due under bills of exchange or promissory notes. UKEF has now improved its offer to enable overseas...
Working towards a circular economy is essential to achieve a net zero Wales by 2050. This means reducing waste, re-using materials for as long as possible, and creating new more sustainable business models. WRAP’s new Sustainable Procurement Market Engagement Guidance can support public sector organisations move away from the traditional ‘take-make-waste’ procurement model and instead look for ways in which we can keep products in use for longer. Market engagement will be critical to working...
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