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Anti-racist training launched for childcare and playwork professionals

New high quality, free, diversity and anti-racist professional learning (DARPL) provision and resources are now available for practitioners working with babies and young children providing childcare, play and nursery education, Deputy Minister for Social Services Julie Morgan has announced.

The Welsh Government is committed to creating an Anti-Racist Wales by 2030, which calls for zero tolerance of racism in all its guises.

Given the pivotal role of childcare and playwork in supporting child development and early education and the wider economy, the resources have been developed as part of the Welsh Government’s Anti-Racist Wales Action Plan (ARWAP).

Anti-racist professional learning for Childcare, Playwork and Early Years (CPEY) builds on the successful launch of comparable provision for those working in education settings in 2022.

This work has been funded by the Welsh Government, through continued investment in the DARPL Project to support partnership working with the Childcare Wales Learning & Working Mutually (CWLWM) service. 

The sector can access this professional learning provision here: DARPL - Diversity and Anti-Racism Professional Learning

For further information please select the following links Written Statement: Childcare, Playwork and Early Years Anti-Racist Professional Learning provision (12 May 2023) | GOV.WALES

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