The changes follow the third statutory review of the regulations by Welsh Ministers.
From Monday 1 June 2020, 2 households in the same local area will be able to meet outdoors. In doing this, however, people must follow social distancing and strict hand hygiene practices to control the spread of the virus. 'Local' means not generally travelling more than 5 miles from home to reduce the risk of coronavirus spreading from one area to another.
The changes mean people can meet another household outdoors in their local area but all the other rules to protect people from coronavirus will stay in place for the time being.
Non-essential retail businesses, which can comply with the physical distancing duty, should start to prepare to reopen over the next 3 weeks.
A decision about whether non-essential retail will reopen will be taken at the next review on 18 June and will depend on the scientific and medical evidence.
Beauty and tourist spots will remain closed.
For further information please visit the GOV.Wales website.