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Consultation on developing a modernised food hygiene delivery model in Wales

A consultation seeking stakeholders’ views on proposed developments for a modernised food hygiene delivery model (FHDM).

This consultation will be of most interest to: 

  • Competent Authorities - Local Authorities (LAs)  
  • food businesses and industry trade bodies
  • third-party assurance organisations for food safety 
  • Professional awarding bodies for environmental health and trading standards professionals 
  • Trade Unions and expert groups may also have an interest. 

In September 2022 the Food Standards Agency Board endorsed the headline policy and principles to evaluate success for a modernised FHDM and are now seeking stakeholders’ views on the following proposed developments: 

  • a modernised food hygiene intervention rating scheme 
  • an updated risk-based approach to the timescales for initial official controls of new food establishments, and for undertaking due official controls 
  • increased flexibility as to the methods and techniques of official controls that can be used to risk rate an establishment, including the appropriate use of remote assessment 
  • extending the activities that officers, such as Regulatory Support Officers, who do not hold a ‘suitable qualification’ for food hygiene can, if competent, undertake. 

Comments and views are required by 23:59 Friday 30 June 2023. 

For further information please select the following link Consultation on developing a modernised food hygiene delivery model in Wales | Food Standards Agency

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