We all experience loneliness from time to time. But while the festive season can be a time of joy and connection – it can sometimes also have the opposite effect – making us feel lonely and disconnected. Whether you’re celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year, another holiday, or none, find tips on how to cope and ways to support someone else:
- Coping with loneliness during the festive season | Mental Health Foundation
- Christmas and mental health - Mind
- Stress and mental health at work - HSE
- Useful resources - Mind
- Mental health and wellbeing support for farming families | GOV.WALES
Kindness and giving back to your community can make us feel good and give us an opportunity to connect with others. Volunteering in your local community can be a great way to do this, and volunteers are often in high demand – particularly during the winter season. There are many ways a business can contribute to their local area and, at the same time, keep their customers happy. For further information please select the following link Working with your local community | Business Wales (gov.wales)
Volunteering Wales connects volunteers and organisations. It’s free to use, and over a thousand organisations have already taken advantage to start advertising their volunteering opportunities to the Welsh public: Welcome - Volunteering Wales