
Food Standards Agency Autumn/Winter Campaign

Person looking puzzled at an open fridge

The Food and You Wave 6 report outlines common changes in what the respondents ate, how it was prepared and reported if there was an increase in risky behaviour due to food security.

  • 31% bought reduced/discounted food
  • 29% prepared food that could be kept as leftovers/ cooked in batches 
  • 13% kept leftovers for longer before eating 
  • 12% had eaten more food past its use-by date
  • 2% changed the length of time or temperature food is cooked at

This campaign is being launched to provide consumer advice which will focus on the basics of food hygiene, use-by and best before, power cuts and flooding. 

For Food safety advice for power cuts please visit the Food safety in a power cut - advice for consumers | Food Standards Agency website.

For Food safety advice for floods please visit the Food safety after a flood | Food Standards Agency website.

Cooked too much food? For advice on freezing visit the Chilling | Food Standards Agency website.

Should I wash raw chicken? For advice visit Campylobacter | Food Standards Agency website.

Use by and best before - For tips visit Best before and use-by dates | Food Standards Agency website.

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