
“I left with a voice”: young people celebrate success as employment programme offers them more than a job

Dom Jones from Buckley

Better job prospects, more life satisfaction and help to access mental health support are just some of the benefits young learners have experienced since joining Jobs Growth Wales+ (JGW+).

Part of the Welsh Government’s Young Person’s Guarantee, the JGW+ programme delivers individualised training and development and employability support to 16 to 19-year-olds who are not in education, employment or training (NEET).

It focuses on:

  • supporting young people who are NEET to gain skills, qualifications and experience to enable them to progress to employment, including apprenticeships or towards learning at a higher level
  • supporting employers who take on a young person by providing a wage subsidy of up to 50 percent of the young person’s employment costs at the National Minimum Wage for the first six-months.

An independent evaluation, published last week, shows there is much to celebrate. 95% of surveyed participants who had completed the programme said their chances of finding work had increased, with 82% of the active participants surveyed agreeing their training allowance helped ease financial pressures.

What is also hugely encouraging is that in addition to this work-based support, 82% felt more satisfied with their life and 81% felt happier.

Overall, the latest data suggests 68% of those that take part achieve a positive outcome within four weeks of leaving the programme, either progressing into higher level learning, employment or into an apprenticeship.

A final evaluation is underway and will be published early in 2025.

For further information please select the following link: “I left with a voice”: young people celebrate success as employment programme offers them more than a job | GOV.WALES

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