
Moving Wales into Alert Level 3: First Minister sets out plans to further relax COVID restrictions

The First Minister Mark Drakeford has announced that from Monday 12 April 2021, the following relaxations can go ahead:

  • All remaining shops can reopen, completing the phased reopening of non-essential retail.
  • All remaining close contact services can open, including mobile services.
  • Travel restrictions on traveling into and out of Wales will be lifted. However, restrictions on travel to countries outside the Common Travel Area without a reasonable excuse, remain in place. The Common Travel Area means the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man and the Republic of Ireland.
  • Viewings at wedding venues can resume by appointment.

Further easements to restrictions in the coming weeks will be subject to the public health situation remaining favourable. These will be confirmed at the next three-weekly review of the coronavirus regulations on 22 April.

On Monday 26 April:  

  • Outdoor attractions, including funfairs and theme parks, would be allowed to reopen.
  • Outdoor hospitality can resume, including at cafes, pubs and restaurants. Indoor hospitality will remain closed except for takeaways.
  • Organised outdoor activities for up to 30 people can again take place (previously Monday 3 May).
  • Weddings receptions can take place outdoors for up to 30 people (previously Monday 3 May).

On Monday 3 May (previously Monday 10 May):

  • Gyms, leisure centres and fitness facilities can reopen. This will include individual or one-to-one training but not exercise classes.
  • Extended household will again allow two households to meet and have contact indoors.

After 17 May, Welsh Government will consider enabling indoor hospitality and remaining visitor accommodation to reopen in advance of the Spring Bank Holiday at the end of May.

For further information please visit GOV.Wales.

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