
Packaging waste: prepare for extended producer responsibility

The way UK organisations, responsible for packaging must carry out their recycling responsibilities is changing. 

If you are affected by the new Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for packaging (including reforms to the Packaging Recycling Note (PRN) system), you need to start to collect the correct packaging data from 1 January 2023. 

Collection of your packaging data won’t become mandatory until March 2023, and you will need to start reporting this data from July 2023.  

These regulations will apply to all UK organisations that handle and supply packaging to businesses and consumers. This may also include products imported from outside the UK and online marketplaces. 

New guidance has been published on 'how to collect your packaging data for EPR'. This is for UK organisations that will be affected by Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging. 

The existing guide has also been updated packaging waste: prepare for extended producer responsibility 

You can watch webinars on what is required to take industry through the Extended Producer Responsibilities requirements from 1 January 2023. To watch please select the following link Extended Producer Responsibilities (EPR) - January 2023 Requirements Webinar - YouTube

For further information please select the following link Packaging waste: prepare for extended producer responsibility - GOV.UK (

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