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Self-isolation period reduced

People who test positive for Covid-19 will be able to leave self-isolation after 5 full days if they have 2 negative lateral flow tests, Health Minister Eluned Morgan today confirmed.

The 2 consecutive negative lateral flow tests must be taken on days 5 and 6 of the isolation period.

The changes are being made after a thorough examination of the evidence from Public Health Wales and bring Wales into line with changes made elsewhere in the UK.

They will come into effect from 28 January 2022, at the same time as Wales is expected to complete the move to alert level 0.

A shorter self-isolation period will support public services and businesses by reducing pressures on the workforce through Covid-related staff absences.

Financial support through the Self-Isolation Support Scheme which will return to the original payment rate of £500 in recognition of the shorter isolation period. People who need support with essentials such as shopping and pharmacy goods will be able to access help through their local authority and voluntary organisations. 

If a person is currently self-isolating as a positive case, or tests positive for Covid-19, they must self-isolate for 5 full days and should take a lateral flow test on day 5 and another test 24 hours later on day 6.

If both results are negative, it is likely they are not infectious and can stop isolating.

But anyone who tests positive on either day 5 or day 6 must continue to self-isolate until they have 2 negative tests taken 24 hours apart or until day 10, whichever comes first.

For further information visit GOV.Wales and Written Statement: Reducing the self-isolation period to five days (26 January 2022) | GOV.WALES

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