
Wales moves to alert level 2

Wales will move into alert level 2 on Monday 17 May 2021, the First Minister will confirm today as coronavirus levels remain low and vaccination rates remain the best in the UK.

Indoor hospitality businesses will be able to re-open from Monday May 17 2021; indoor entertainment venues will also re-open and there will be an increase in the number of people able to attend organised indoor and outdoor activities.

The First Minister will also confirm international travel will resume from Monday but extra safeguards will be put in place for people returning from some countries to prevent coronavirus re-entering Wales.

The changes to the coronavirus restrictions, which will come into force from Monday 17 May 2021 include:

  • Indoor hospitality can re-open – 6 people from up to 6 households (not including children under 11) can book.
  • All holiday accommodation can re-open fully.
  • Entertainment venues, including cinemas, bingo halls, bowling alleys, indoor-play centres and areas, casinos, amusement arcades, and theatres can re-open. Cinemas, theatres concert halls and sports grounds can sell food and drink as long as it is consumed in a seated area for watching the performance.
  • Indoor visitor attractions, including museums and galleries can re-open.
  • Up to 30 people can take part in organised indoor activities and up to 50 people in organised outdoor activities. This includes wedding receptions and wakes.

If public health conditions remain positive, the next 3-week review will consider:

  • Further changes to meeting people in private homes.
  • Increasing the number of people who can meet outdoors and the number of people who can attend organised activities and events, including wedding receptions, to 50 indoors and 100 outdoors.
  • Permitting larger-scale events to take place indoors and outdoors.

For further information please visit GOV.Wales.

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