Useful links

Action Fraud

The UK's national fraud reporting centre, run by the National Fraud Authority

Anti phishing working group

If you have received a phishing email then you can forward it to the Anti Phishing Working Group. They will then look into identifying and shutting down web sites, domain names and email addresses used by fraudsters, improving user protection systems like anti-phishing toolbars and anti-spyware products, and improving anti-spam filters so that fewer spam emails get through.

Business Wales

For business information, advice and support go to the Welsh Government's Business Support website where you can access information regarding support on everything from starting up and expanding your business to exporting your product and bringing your business to Wales. If you need to know about available financial support, property or the broadband and ICT networks in Wales, this website can help you find out more.

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre

CEOP is part of UK police and is dedicated to protecting children from sexual abuse wherever they may be. That means building intelligence around the risks, tracking and bringing offenders to account either directly or with local and international forces and working with children and parents to deliver their unique ThinkuKnow educational programme.

Citizens Advice

The law protects your consumer rights when you buy goods and services. You can get help if you’re treated unfairly or when things go wrong. This includes credit and store cards, faulty goods, counterfeit goods, poor services, problems with contracts, problems with contractors and rogue traders. Citizens Advice can give you advice on your consumer rights.

Get Safe Online

The UK’s national internet security awareness campaign ad with information on how to use social networking sites safely. For free expert advice visit the Get Safe Online website.

Miller Smiles

The Internet's biggest archive of Spoof Email and Phishing Scams. For more information visit the Miller Smiles website

Shop Safe Online

Provides online retailers with information on MasterCard SecureCode and Verified by Visa -secure services that make online shopping safer. For more information vist the Shop Safe Online website. 

The SANS Institute

The SANS Institute is a large security training and conference company that offers excellent templates for IT security policies, which you can download from their site. These policies are a good starting point and cover the full spectrum of IT security, including acceptable use policies, password policies and remote access policies amongst many others.

UK Payments Administration

The UK trade association for payments and for those institutions that deliver payment services to customers.

Business Wales Helpline

03000 6 03000

Lines are open 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday.

Rydym yn croesawu galwadau'n Gymraeg.