Welsh Government Cultural Contract additional information

What is the ‘Cultural Contract’?

The funding award will be aligned to support the wider policy context of Welsh Government, with a proposal to develop ‘Cultural Contract Pledges’, with applicants encouraged to sign up to a ‘menu’ of commitments to ensure public investment is deployed with a social purpose.

This will be part of the ‘Economic Contract’ and include areas such as:

  • Fair Work
  • Sector Board diversity and inclusion – gender, welsh language, BAME representation etc.
  • Retained staff to support wider initiatives e.g. contact tracing to support Test, Trace, Protect
  • Social prescribing
  • Supporting health & arts initiatives
  • Climate Resilience

The cultural contract will help support inclusive growth and improved well-being in the cultural and creative industries. It reflects the kind of behaviours that responsible and successful organisations already undertake.

Support will be available to help you to develop your cultural contract. The Welsh Government will be holding workshops to provide further information on the approach and advice on how it can be applied to your organisation.

To note: The Economic Contract is currently being refreshed to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of its users in light of the current economic environment. The principles of the contract – such as supporting responsible business practices through the provision of fair work and increasing climate resilience will remain the primary focus of the contract. It is expected however, that there will be some changes to the contract framework in coming months. You will have the opportunity to use this new framework when it is published if it better suits your organisation.

Annex A has further details on the four pillars.

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