
Develop innovative ideas for organisations, products or services

We support and fund organisations to innovate to encourage economic growth and create jobs.

We can help you to create new innovative ideas and improve existing products.

Advances Wales is a free quarterly magazine showcasing the latest news, research and developments in science, technology and engineering in Wales.
Collaboration is at the heart of Wales Innovates for a stronger, fairer, greener Wales. Start your collaboration journey here.
Innovation can help your organisation to become more competitive, increase sales and enter new markets. Here you can find out what support and funding is available to help you to innovate.
How we will use innovation to improve the lives of people in Wales.

Is your business ready to innovate?

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Innovation news

A unique partnership helping grow the Welsh economy by turning innovative ideas into reality using world class research continues to go from strength to strength.
The Offshore Wind Growth Partnership (OWGP) has begun market screening to identify supply chain investment projects eligible for funding under the Contracts for Difference (CfD) Clean Industr
The Innovate UK Immersive Tech Awards are returning for 2025!
Are you a sustainable start-up looking to maximise your impact?
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Innovation events

Please note: The Business Wales events finder promotes events from a range of organisations, including our own Business Wales services. Details for third-party events led by private or third-sector organisations may not be available in Welsh.
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Business Wales Helpline

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Lines are open 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday.

Rydym yn croesawu galwadau'n Gymraeg.