Productivity and design

Improve your organisations productivity.

Is your organisation looking to improve productivity through better processes and better products? Our free support provides a practical, flexible approach to help you plan and prepare for the Fourth Industrial Revolution and optimises processes for the future.

Productivity support is free to businesses in Wales, provided by the Welsh Government..

Experts will work with you to plan productivity and design improvements and also help you make the changes needed.

Actions to improve business performance can include:

• Continuous improvement and lean techniques

• Workplace organisation including process configuration and layouts

• New and innovative manufacturing techniques and technologies

• Product design including materials, design for manufacture, packaging, and eco-design

• Design processes

• Rapid Prototyping

• Sustainable design including resource efficiency, energy efficiency and waste management

Productivity supports success

SMART FIS offers funding and technical support. See how Haydale thrived and how your organisation could too using SMART FIS support.

World leading suppliers of aircraft passenger seating, Safran seats GB has harnessed its resources and expertise in advancing its manufacturing processes.

Access SMART FIS support

Your organisation can also succeed from our support.

Business Wales Helpline

03000 6 03000

Lines are open 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday.

Rydym yn croesawu galwadau'n Gymraeg.