Wellbeing and Mental Health

We know that escalating costs are a major challenge for businesses and can have an impact on our mental health and wellbeing. Whether you are self-employed or a business owner, we should take steps to take care of our mental health and those of our employees.

There is a wealth of support available to you online:

NHS Five Ways to Wellbeing

The Five Ways to Wellbeing are a set of evidence-based messages aimed at improving the mental health and wellbeing of the whole population. They were developed by the New Economics Foundation from evidence gathered in the Foresight Mental Capital and Wellbeing project (2008).

The five ways are:

The NHS lists five simple things on their website which we can all do to give our wellbeing a boost. For further information please follow this link: 5 steps to mental wellbeing - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

C.A.L.L Helpline

C.A.L.L offers emotional support and information/literature on Mental Health and related matters to the people of Wales. Anyone concerned about their own mental health or that of a relative or friend can access the service. C.A.L.L. Helpline offers a confidential listening and support service. 

Telephone: 0800 132 737

Website: C.A.L.L. Mental Health Helpline - Community Advice and Listening Line (callhelpline.org.uk)

The Samaritans

Samaritans offer a plethora of help and support via their call centre and email provisions. 

Telephone: 116 123
Telephone Welsh Language service: 0808 164 0123
E-mail: jo@samaritans.org

Website: Samaritans Cymru

Write a letter:
PO Box 9090 

Business Wales Helpline

03000 6 03000

Lines are open 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday.

Rydym yn croesawu galwadau'n Gymraeg.