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Grants and funding

Rural Affairs Wales is responsible for a variety of grants and funding programmes and schemes that provide supports to farmers, foresters, land managers and the rural sector.  Active programmes and schemes that individuals and organisations may apply to will be listed below on this page. 

Sustainable land management
Creating a strong and vibrant Welsh food and drink industry
Habitat Wales, will provide an alternative offer of support to all eligible farmers
The INRS has been developed to build capacity and capability for collaborative action , enabling farmers, foresters, land managers and others to work together at a landscape, catchment, or pan Wales level.
Delivering nature based solutions at a landscape scale
Supporting farm efficiencies through investment in new technology and equipment and to enable opportunities for agricultural diversification
encouraging the use of renewable energy
Keep up to date with the latest news regarding the sustainable farming scheme. Sustainable Farming Scheme: proposed scheme outline (2024) Carbon Sequestration Evidence Review Panel Written Statement: Sustainable Farming Scheme: Keeping farmers farming – response to consultation Sustainable Farming
Supporting our commitment of 43,000 hectares of woodland creation by 2030

Business Wales Helpline

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Lines are open 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday.

Rydym yn croesawu galwadau'n Gymraeg.