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On the 13 July 2021, the Deputy Minister for Climate Change, Lee Waters announced this new scheme. The window for application opened on 14 July and runs until 27 August.

The Woodland Investment Grant (TWIG) is part of the National Forest for Wales programme. It will provide financial support for people to:

  • create new woodlands
  • make improvements to existing woodlands

Which meet the standards of the National Forest. The grant can be coupled with other forms of funding. This will create high quality, multi-purpose woodlands. The window for application opened on 14 July and runs until 27 August.

TWIG is open to applications from:

  • landowners
  • those with full management control of public and private land

Following the launch of The Woodland Investment Grant on 5 July and the Presentation MS Teams event on 21 July.  The event Recording, Presentation and Answers to all questions raised at the event are available to view via the following link;
National Forest for Wales – The Woodland Investment Grant (TWIG) | GOV.WALES

The National Forest for Wales Programme is currently in development stage, it is an ambitious long term programme which aims to benefit our future generations for years to come The Woodland Investment Grant is currently a short term fund to help owners of established woodlands and those who wish to develop new woodland, to apply for funding to help meet the National Forest for Wales Programme Outcomes.