This category will help you to understand the fundamentals of starting, running and growing your business.
Find out how Eco sustainability practices can benefit your business.

How to transfer ownership of your business as easily as possible.

Understand how to make digital work for your business needs.

Learn the importance of backing up your organisation's data and how to protect against malware and phishing

Cyber security can be easy, find out what actions you can take to keep yourself safe online

Discover how to develop your thinking process into something that will work for you.

Financial planning can be easy. Find out what is involved in managing your finances and what works best for your business.

Learn why data protection is required and what steps you need to take to comply with the regulations.

What is Governance and why it's important for your business.

Growing your businesses can be difficult. Learn how you can make it a success.

Find out how to identify your customer base, and how to keep them happy.

What do you need to know before taking that step.

Unsure exactly what type of business you are.
This information will help you make sense of what needs to be considered.

Find out how to start using digital tools to benefit your business.

This course will help you make an effective marketing message, recognise opportunities to promote your business and identify additional sources of marketing advice and guidance.

Plan for success right from the start of your business journey.

Find funding sources that work for you and make successful funding pitches to grow your business.

Is remote working right for your business?

Practical information on how to reduce operating costs and your carbon footprint.

Learn more about this vital business tool that helps you with information and resources.

Understand how your business values, ethics and relationships improve your chances of running a successful company.

Costs – how to understand them better and what different types apply to your business.

Understand some of the key benefits using the Welsh language can have for yourself, and for your business.

How to get support in sorting your finances and where to find the resources you need.

Not registered yet? Try the sample course - Raising money for your business.
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