The Agricultural Wages (Wales) Order 2024 replaces the 2023 Order which means that as from 1st April 2024:
- There will be increased minimum pay rates for all grades of worker.
- All allowances (which include dog allowances) will be increased by 8.5%.
- The overtime rate is now payable at 1.5 times the agricultural worker’s actual hourly rate, rather than the applicable agricultural minimum wage hourly rate.
The age bands in grades A and B under the Order have also been amended to reflect changes made in relation to the National Living Wage which is now payable for workers aged 21 and over.
The wage rate increases were recommended by the Agricultural Advisory Panel for Wales (AAP), an independent body chaired by Dr Nerys Llewelyn Jones. The panel, which has been operational since 2016, is made up of representatives from the Farmers’ Union of Wales, National Farmers Union Cymru, Unite the Union, and three independent members.
During the last eight months, the AAP members negotiated the changes to pay and terms and conditions under the Order and consulted industry stakeholders on its draft proposals before advising Welsh Ministers on the Panel’s recommendations for new minimum wage arrangements and terms and conditions of employment for all agricultural, horticultural and forestry workers in Wales. The Panel members drew on their expertise and consideration of the economic conditions within the industry at the time of the consultation, as well as external factors such as the National Minimum Wage changes.
Welcoming the new Order, Dr. Nerys Llewelyn Jones said:
“The new arrangements ensure that all agricultural workers receive fair, regularly reviewed wages, allowances and terms of employment, further contributing to the Welsh Government’s health and wellbeing agenda by safeguarding household incomes, especially within rural communities.
“The Order will help ensure that careers in agriculture, horticulture and forestry are considered viable and sustainable choices for both current and potential employees, and by setting out clear guidelines for employers, the Welsh Government’s new Order will do much to encourage the development and retention of an appropriately skilled workforce in Wales.
“It will also ensure that employers treat all employees appropriately, including farm workers and apprentices working within the sector.
“It is a criminal offence not to pay all agricultural workers at least the Agricultural Minimum Wage and all employers must comply with the requirements set out in the 2024 Order,” said Dr. Jones.
The minimum rates of pay and allowances and all other minimum terms and conditions to which agricultural workers, including those who work within the horticulture and forestry sectors, are entitled to by law are set out in the Agricultural Wages (Wales) Order 2024. More detailed information and guidance is available at: