Biodiversity Means Business

Industrial estate

The focus of this project is centred on the large (550ha) rurally located Wrexham Industrial Estate and its surrounding rural communities. Through a collaborative approach involving businesses, landowners, farmers and community groups the aim is to improve the resilience of the ecosystems across the landscape while making the area positively attractive to businesses and providing easily accessible areas for people to enjoy a range of leisure activities and engaging with their local environment.


The project will prioritise both on the ground improvement activities as well as developing a strategic plan for the landscape to help sustain and deliver improvement and benefits into the future. A focus on green infrastructure including planting wildflowers, restoring public footpaths, planting native trees, encouraging the use of sustainable drainage and demonstrating soft engineering techniques will help with surface water retention and improve wildlife corridors as well as creating a nicer place to work for employees working in the area.


Engaging with the surrounding local communities and offering volunteering opportunities to become involved with the project are part of the projects long term approach and way of helping create a sense of ownership of the landscape by those working, living and enjoying the leisure opportunities of the area.
The project also offers corporate support to businesses who wish to support environmental improvements in alternative ways to land management on their grounds, offering ‘Natural Partnerships'. To improve green infrastructure improving the benefits to businesses of incorporating green spaces into their surroundings. 

Benefits to local companies include lower costs, contributing to wider social and environmental issues and accreditation and delivering nature based solutions to help promote biodiversity and social well-being and engagement.

Project details

Funding amount:
Funding source:
Sustainable management scheme
Biodiversity means Business
Biodiversity means business


Adrian Jones
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