Canvas and Campfires

To expand accommodation & upgrade facilities to improve accessibility, build on the high-end offer and boost occupancy rates outside the main holiday season.

They are committed to inclusivity and celebrating diversity and would like to develop the last two pitches into accessible safari tents.

They will be wider 6m tents for extra space and use of wheelchairs & mobility aids, room for a mobile hoist in the master bedroom, an attached en-suite wet room, wider verandas, decked & ramped access and dedicated parking spaces close to the tents.

In addition, they would like to offer 3 hot tubs & saunas to all guests. Outside the glamping season, they will also market these to day & evening visitors, creating an ‘outside winter spa’, these facilities will also be accessible.

Project details

Funding amount:
Funding source:
Micro Small Business Fund (MSBF)


Ellie Waters
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