Community Assets Fund Pilot

The project aims to develop an on-line cloud based platform to allow Pembrokeshire communities to easily raise funds for maintaining local assets and facilities such as playing fields, play equipment, village halls, notice boards and so on. The concept of the fund is that individuals pay a £1 a week and then sees 50p of the £1 used for supporting community assets and facilities.

The remaining 50p is split between regular prizes and running costs of the fund, but a centre fund will also evolve for specific non-locational projects. With the need to safeguard local services and support the maintenance of local assets there is now a clear opportunity to ask local people to support in the maintaining and development of local assets and facilities.

Project details

Funding amount:
EAFRD (WG RC_RDP Wales) contribution
Funding source:
LEADER Local Development Fund
Community Assets Fund Pilot


Jennifer Thomas
Email project contact

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