Sustaining the Caerphilly landscape

The focus of this project is on a large expanse of land south of Caerphilly bordering on Cardiff and Newport. It contains a wide range of habitats and species and designated areas and is also used for recreational and leisure purposes. The area is surrounded by a number of communities some of which are the most deprived in the South Wales Valleys. The project will be taken forward collaboratively through the Caerphilly Landscape Partnership exploring a public service board model and including a wide variety of interested parties such as the Aneurin Bevan Health Board, the police, Woodland Trust, Keep Wales Tidy and Community Champions among others. 

One of the key priorities will be to improve the diversity, accessibility and extent of outdoor recreational facilities in a way that doesn’t damage or compromise the habitats and species supported in the area. This will also include support for an NHS Exercise specialist to work with some of the deprived communities near Caerphilly looking at opportunities for supported walking exercise and sign posting natural areas for mild conditions that may benefit from being outside in these areas. 

Project details

Funding amount:
Funding source:
Sustainable management scheme


Owen Ashton
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