Timber Knowledge Sharing Hub

During the past two and a half years, a number of people and businesses have shown interest to the WLP" Wood Lab Pren" project in wanting to gain further knowledge in specific areas of the industry. The project has also come across a number of talented and innovative individuals and businesses in the region who are experts in their timber related fields and have valuable knowledge to share. We want to bring these two groups together to Educate, Innovate and Inspire ideas around the use of locally sourced timbers and explore new creative methods or re-discover forgotten techniques and processes that encourage improved uptake and value added of products from our regional timber, from forestry through to design and manufacture.

Project details

Funding amount:
EAFRD (WG RC_RDP Wales) contribution
Funding source:
LEADER Local Development Fund
1, 2, 3, 4


Kevin Eadon-Davies
Telephone number:
01443 838632
Email project contact
Social media:

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