TV White Space

Most the Welsh population will be served by the Fibre network being installed by Superfast Cymru. There are identified not-spots that cannot be guaranteed a solution in the immediate future and some may never be connected. The project aims to pilot a possible solution in an identified area on Anglesey that provides a cluster of businesses (and its surrounding community) representative of different economic sectors. During a recent site visit to the Isle of Arran, it was clear that there is an opportunity to use TV Whitespace as an inclusion solution for Anglesey. TV white space (TVWS) is the name given to parts of the wireless spectrum that were freed up during the digital TV switchover.

TVWS radios offer broadband speeds over several kilometres and unlike typical wireless technology the signal can travel through permanent obstacles such as buildings and trees, and around terrain. The technology is currently expensive however, due to the capital cost of the equipment. TV Whitespace solutions could realistically be used as a method of distributing a fast broadband service to a wide area without the cost of wholesale telecoms. The project will not cover the useage or service fees of the provider but will purchase the equipment required, support and community training for a community sustainable model to be demonstrated.

Project details

Funding amount:
Funding source:
LEADER Local Development Fund
Isle of Anglesey


Jane Davies
Telephone number:
01248 725704
Email project contact

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